Austin Road Safety Overview

Austin Road Safety Overview

Texas provides detailed car accident statistics. The statistics summarized in this overview come from the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) in 2021. They use crash reports to tell you where, when, and how accidents happen in Austin. Based on this information, you can develop a full picture of Austin’s road safety. Austin has a mixed record when it comes to road safety. On the one […]

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Study Reveals Two People Are Killed in Red Light Accidents Every Day

Study Reveals Two People Are Killed in Red Light Accidents Every Day

According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, more than two people are killed each day by motor vehicle drivers running red lights. Most people would likely say that they would like to see better and safer driving habits. However, our actions seem to speak louder than words. The AAA study gives great insight into drivers’ attitudes and driving habits. As a result, we can […]

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How Can We Make Intersections Safer?

How Can We Make Intersections Safer?

One of the most common dangers at a traffic intersection is a vehicle running a red-light. Solving the problem will involve a combination of education, enforcement, engineering and technology. The first step is to identify if an intersection has a problem with red-light violations. First, a municipality should conduct an engineering study. This study should be able to determine whether the red-light running problem is […]

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Understanding the Link Between Unsafe Road Conditions and Car Accidents

Understanding the Link Between Unsafe Road Conditions and Car Accidents

Thousands of traffic accidents happen across the nation every day. Most of these accidents can be attributed to driver negligence. However, drivers aren’t always to blame. Unsafe and dangerous road conditions contribute to a staggering number of car accidents every year. As a result, thousands of drivers, passengers, and bystanders suffer injuries through no fault of their own. Instead, they’re forced to struggle with painful […]

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